Belding Tank Technologies, Inc. offers a range of contact molded and custom filament wound tanks using state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Our almost 40,000 square feet of space allows us to easily meet the needs of industries, such as wastewater management, chemical, food processing, and pharmaceutical. Our company follows the most rigorous standards to create a range of tanks, including dish bottom, double-wall, slope bottom, or flat bottom. At our Belding, MI location, we are continually expanding to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. We stand for our motto, “Quality is our Standard, Customer Service is our Specialty.” We do not want to just help you out. We want every one of our valued customers to feel completely satisfied. Our commitment to service and superior construction make us your number one choice for all types of tanks. Belding Tank Technologies, Inc. has over 100 years of combined experience in the industry.
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