Acute Kidney Failure Treatment at Swanand Kidney Clinic in Pune

Acute kidney failure, also known as acute kidney injury (AKI), is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. In Pune, Our Clinic offers specialized treatment for acute kidney failure, providing comprehensive care and management for patients in need.

Acute Kidney Injury is an abrupt decline in renal function/ urine output over hours to days. This causes a build-up of excess salts &/or fluids and metabolic waste products in the body. Normally there are pairs of kidneys in a person that help in cleansing the blood of various toxins, excrete excess salts and fluids, help regulate the Blood pressure, and synthesize various hormones like Vitamin D and erythropoietin production which support red blood cell formation.

It can be caused by various factors such as infections, dehydration, kidney trauma, exposure to pollutants, or certain diseases like diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms early and seek medical attention to prevent further complications.

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