What Is DevOps And How Can It Benefit Your Organization?
DevOps is a set of practices used to break the siloed barriers between software development teams and IT operations (IT/Ops) teams. Historically, software development and IT/Ops teams have had different departmental leaderships, priorities, and metrics; and they do not collaborate much. The software development team develops a product and throws it over the wall to IT/Ops to deploy and maintain it.
Benefits of DevOps
There are various benefits associated with a DevOps approach and they are multidimensional – from business benefits to benefits in the technical field to ensuring your customers are happier.
Below are some of the main benefits of this approach:
> DevOps ensures that your organization’s product delivery is faster and better than before
> DevOps can increase the quality of your software, as automation can detect regression issues faster
> With both teams working together and complimenting each other, DevOps allows you to have a more stable operating environment
> DevOps makes your resource utilization more efficient
> DevOps allows you to have enhanced visibility into your development, especially into outcomes and systems automation
> DevOps derives innovation, as both teams are working together and collaborating constantly that can lead to better ideas
> Ultimately, it leads to happier customers
Source : https://expeed.com/blog-posts/....what-is-devops-and-h

What is DevOps and Why You Need It

What is DevOps and Why You Need It

DevOps recommends a set of practices and principles to improve transparency, collaboration, and the speed of product delivery in software development companies.