What is new coming to Laravel 9 PHP Framework?

Laravel v9, the next LTS version of Laravel, is scheduled to be released in early 2022. In this post, we wanted to go through all of the new features and modifications that have been announced that so far.

Changes to the Laravel 9 Release Date
Laravel v9 was supposed to be published in September of this year, but the Laravel Team opted to delay it until January of 2022:

Laravel makes use of a number of community-driven packages as well as nine Symfony components for a range of framework functionalities. Symfony 6.0 is scheduled to be released in November. As a result, we have decided to postpone the release of Laravel 9.0 until January 2022.
By postponing the release, we will be able to upgrade our underlying Symfony components to Symfony 6.0 without having to wait until September 2022. Furthermore, we are better positioned for future releases because our yearly releases will always be two months following Symfony's releases.

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What is new coming to Laravel 9 PHP Framework -  Learn and Improve Your Skills

What is new coming to Laravel 9 PHP Framework - Learn and Improve Your Skills

Laravel v9, the next LTS version of Laravel, is scheduled to be released in early 2022. In this post, we wanted to go through all