4 Amazing Books To Supplement Your History-Degree

Searching for a way to pass the time and escape from reality? Going knee-deep into the pages of books about the past is an excellent way to go about it.

Searching for a way to pass the time and escape from reality? Going knee-deep into the pages of books about the past is an excellent way to go about it. History is a messy subject, but much of it is not ugly and not all that difficult to process.

According to the best minds of history homework help services, the more you know about it, the more sense it makes, both in modern and historical contexts. Here are certain outstanding history books that offer you excellent knowledge in enjoyable prose you must add to your TBR (to-be-read) list today-


  • Sapiens- A Brief History of Humankind by Noah Yuval Harari

Spanning the entirety of human history, from the first humans to walk the earth to cognitive and agricultural breakthroughs, Harari covers the last 70,000 years of human existence in less than 500 pages. Harari also offers thought-provoking insight into some of the greatest breakthroughs in human history. This thought-provoking and fascinating book is a must for all homo sapiens, history students or otherwise.


  • Burn My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown

A close look at history assignment or homework help forums will reveal that, first published in 1970, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee has never gone out of print. This class book is both eye-opening and heartbreaking. Brown explains the history of Native Americans in the Western United States and the impacts American expansionism had on their religion, culture, and daily life.


  • The Guns of August By Barbara Tuchman

Very few events have changed the course of world history as World War I, and only a couple of people have a lucid idea of why and how the war started in the first place. Tuchman looks at the month leading up to the tragic conflict in this outstanding book, unraveling its countless strands and relating the day-to-day developments with intensity and clarity, unlike any book that precedes it.


  • Daughters of Samurai by Janice P. Nimura

In the 1870s, five girls from Japan paid a visit to the United States to learn something about Western culture and then bring it back to their native country. Nimura’s book is a strong read for anyone looking to comprehend the development of women’s rights and the formation of early global bonds.

The must-read books mentioned above are a good start as they will catch your attention, help you write unique papers, and become a history genius of all times. If you still face difficulties, you can always say ‘write my history essays for cheap’ to the best stalwarts of the town.  


Source: https://mikejohnson987.wordpress.com/2022/07/19/4-amazing-books-to-supplement-your-history-degree/

Mike Johnson

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