TBC Herbalism Leveling Guide 1-375

The TBC Classic Herbalism leveling guide will guide you through the fastest way to level Herbalism from 1 to 350 within Burning Crusade Classic.

If you're leveling Alchemy in conjunction with herbalism make sure you check out my TBC Classic Alchemy guide to leveling. Be aware that this guide is designed to make your profession as efficient as is possible, and sometimes the herbs you will cultivate might not be the ideal ones for Alchemy.


I suggest you try Zygor's 1-70 Leveling Guide if you are continuing to level up your character or you just started a new alt. The guide will guide you reach the level 70 much quicker.


TBC Herbalism is the art of gathering different herbaceous plants, shrubs and leaves which appear in every area of WoW. Once gathered, these plants function as the primary reagents in Alchemy thus the two are often combined. In other places, the herbs can be used in Enchanting, Cooking Engineering, and a variety of other professions.


Because Alchemy is suitable for any class, the same goes for Herbalism. As the profession occurs across every region, there is no specific race that has more benefits or has an easier time leveling.


Herbalism for Training



Blizzard has made trainers of all professionswhich includes Herbalism throughout every major capital city able to instruct you to become an Apprentice Artisan. This guide tries to include different zone options on each continent, no particular city is more favorable than another.




To be a Master Herbalist you must travel through The Dark Portal and find trainers in your faction's questing zone. This will be Rorelien in Honor Hold to the Alliance, and Ruak Stronghorn at The Thrallmar area will do the same for the Horde


Herbalism Leveling

When it comes to gathering professions, the best method for collecting different types of nodes is to create a larger circle or "circuit" in the middle of the entire area or a smaller routes within it. To keep this in mind, unless otherwise noted the word "zone" means to complete a complete circuit. Often, by the time you've finished the circuit, the nodes that were at the beginning of the circuit will have respawned.



150: Silveleaf and Peacebloom


To start off begin, you'll gather Silveleaf and Peacebloom, which spawn in the regions immediately surrounding all capital cities.


Once you've earned enough points to reach skill level 50, you can learn to become a Journeyman and start diversifying your sources of information.


50 - 70: Earthroot and Mageroyal


To begin collecting Earthroot from the Eastern Kingdoms, players should explore one of two areas: Darkshore or the Barrens. In Kalimdor Hillsbrad Foothills is home to the most number of spawns.

For Mageroyal, those in the Eastern Kingdoms will enjoy a better experience than those in Kalimdor, as the spawns are plentiful in EK. Nodes will grow at the base of trees or near streams or rivers in the same zones where you can gather Earthroot.


70 - 100: Briarthorn


For players who already gather in the Barrens, Briarthorn spawns can easily be added to the route by looking at the region that runs from Crossroads northeast to Sludge Fen , and as far west as Stonetalon Mountains.


The players in Darkshore are able to follow the same path the same way as those in the Eastern Kingdoms. Briarthorn nodes are usually found at the base of hills or mountains. They are also often found close to mining nodes.


100 - 115: Bruiseweed


Within the Eastern Kingdoms, stick around Hillsbrad Foothills and begin to collect Bruiseweed. The people who live living in Kalimdor will have to move on to either Stonetalon Mountains or Ashenvale. If you're in the Barrens it is possible to locate Bruiseweed there, but the nodes are far rarer than other plants.


115 - 125: Wild Steelbloom


To start finding Wild Steelbloom players from The Eastern Kingdoms should begin a circuit in the northern section in Stranglethorn Vale. If you decide to visit now and you're able to remain in the area for a long time. If not, Arathi Highlands will do the trick. In Kalimdor it is possible to keep gathering within Stonetalon Mountains.


Once you've reached 125, locate the nearest trainer and start learning Expert Herbalism.


The range of 125 to 160 is Kingsblood


Kingsblood will be spawned in the same areas you've been gathering in. Within Stranglethorn Vale, begin to begin your journey to the south to Grom'Gol Base Camp, and in the Stonetalon Mountains, focus on the Charred Vale.


160 - 185: Fadeleaf


For gathering Fadeleaf the best place to go is Swamp of Sorrows. Because of this, it's worth it to make your way to the area if you're not close enough. Once you're in, just complete the circuits and you should finish quickly.


Between 185 and 205: Khadgar's Whisker


To find Khadgar's Whisker, those located in the Eastern Kingdoms may continue to follow their route to Stranglethorn Vale or move to Arathi Highlands in which circuits are around Witherbark Village and the Ogre Compound are the most efficient. In Kalimdor the circuits within Feralas and Dustwallow Marsh should be sufficient.


After 205, go to a teacher and begin learning Artisan. From here, there are two ways to reach the 275th level, so you should choose a combination of herbs and zones below that works best for you.


The range of 205 to 230 is Purple Lotus


There are only a handful of places to effectively collect Purple Lotus. In the Eastern Kingdoms, The Hinterlands will be the best choice while in Kalimdor, Azshara has a large number of nodes in.

230 - 250: Sungrass


For Sungrass Both continents can be part of the same zone.


250-275 265 - 275: Ghost Mushroom


When you've completed collecting Sungrass and the Hinterlands may stay on, but they should focus their efforts towards Skulk Rock. In Kalimdor the most suitable spot is in Desolace in the area surrounding Valley of Spears.




205 - 220"Khadgar's Whisker


There is a possibility to keep collecting Khadgar's Whisker until 220. This, however, will alter the remainder of the leveling process.


220 250: Arthas' Tear


To begin collecting Arthas' Tear effectively within the Eastern Kingdoms, all players should head to the Plaguelands. This will give you a distinct advantage, as you can finish most of your leveling through 300 here. In Kalimdor the most effective option is Felwood.


250 - 275: Gromsblood


Gromsblood is most commonly found in Felwood. Continue your journey around the zone should be more than sufficient for you to reach the level of 275 within 2 or 3 completions. In the Eastern Kingdoms, your best option is to keep making your way through the Plaguelands and not leave to attempt this step.


275 - 290: Dreamfoil


To gather Dreamfoil, players in the Eastern Kingdoms must make their way to the Eastern Plaguelands If you have not done so before. In Kalimdor three or four circles around Un'Goro Crater should be enough.


Once you've reached 290, it's the most opportune time to go into Outland and to learn Master Herbalism. When you've done that, however, it's fastest to level up your Old World content for a short time. The competition for lower level herbs can be intense and this is an effective method to ensure your leveling progress goes smoothly.


300 - 310: Icecap


Icecap is located in only one area in the whole game. It's called Winterspring. 2 circuits around will get you up to 310.


300 - 330: Felwood or Eastern Plaguelands


Between 30 and 330, plants within Felwood and the eastern Plaguelands will still be able to provide you with enough skill-ups to reach the level of. This is possibly one of the most demanding parts due to the fact that herbs are turning green, but they are probably quicker than trying to race opponents in Hellfire Peninsula.



330 - 375: Zangarmarsh


After reaching 330 and 330, it's now the time to enter Outland. Out of all zones Zangarmarsh is the most straightforward to consistently level your Herbalism due to its variety and mobs such as Bog Lord which act as an Herbalism node after having been defeated. You can full circuits, or concentrate on specific areas like the northern-west region around Marshlight Lake and Ango'Rosh Grounds and around Umbrafen Lake. Whatever you decide in the end, this is the final step.

After you've fetched enough that you've reached your limit, you'll reach the cap! Congratulations! Keep reading to learn more about the rarer herbs found in TBC and what they could be used for.


Mana Thistle and Fel Lotus

Of all the herbs that have an individual node that are present, one is of special importance: Mana Thistle. It is used as a reagent to make several highly beneficial, endgame Alchemy creations, as well as several elixirs.The majority of the nodes can be found situated in Terokkar Forest above Shattrath and in the vicinity of Skettis. The area with the second largest number of nodes is Nagrand and is situated close to Twilight Ridge and near the border with Terokkar.


Mana Thistle is a reagent to:


Cauldron for Major Arcane Protection

Cauldron of Major Fire Protection

Cauldron of Major Frost Protection

Cauldron of Major Nature Protection

Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection

Elixir of Empowerment

Another herb that is highly sought-after is Fel Lotus. In contrast to other herbs in Outland It doesn't have its own unique node. Instead, it has a 4 percent chance of collecting the herb from any of Outland Herb nodes while gathering another. Therefore, the only way to grow Fel Lotus is to generally farm all types of herbs.

Jack Rose

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